Wednesday, October 18, 2017

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Six Rules to Make People Like you. If you want people to like you.........

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Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
     If you become genuinely interested in other people you will be welcome at any place/ household. I strongly agree with this quote by Dale Carnegie because when I meet new people, I have a strong interest and curiosity in learning more about them. You would make more friends in month of being interested in people than in a year of someone being interested in you. The only way to make quality, lasting friendships is to learn to be genuinely interested in them and their interests. People love to talk about themselves, but never take into consideration that if you ask about someone else interests for a change, they'll love you for it. You should focus on being interested, not interesting.There is a big difference. Interesting is about you, interested is about them. I will apply this new way to my life by taking more interest into my friends and family instead of being self-centered.

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Rule 2: Smile
     A simple smile can go a long way when you greet someone or meet someone. Actions speak louder than words, and a smile can speak for itself. When you smile at someone, it basically means you are happy to see them. If you are not in the mood to smile, then force yourself to smile. A smile does a few things in several aspects of your life. First off, it will bring happiness to your home. If you wake up in the morning and smile, it will make everyone in your household feel the good vibes coming from you. A smile can also rub off on someone. For example: if someone sees you smiling, they will start too without noticing. Secondly, smiling will also benefit you in a work environment. It will uplift your coworkers and your/their mood at work. Lastly, a smile can cause you to make new friends. It is usually a sign of positivity when you meet someone and they give you a warm smile. It makes them feel welcomed into your life, and they will want to be around you more. 

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Rule 3: Remember names
      Something very important to get people to like you is remembering who they are and what name they go by. A person is interested more in their name than all the other names combined. It makes a person feel very special when you remember their name because it shows a piece of your mind remembers them. A person's name is the most unique and identities word a person has a connection to. When we remember peoples name, it shows a sign of courtesy and a way of recognizing them. When a person remembers our name after meeting us, we feel respected and more important. It makes a positive and lasting impact on us. When we don't remember a name and people have to repeat is several timesit makes us feel a little unappreciated. To apply this new rule to my life I will repeat peoples names over and over so I will not forget them and learn them easily

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Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves
     If you want to make a good converstaion with someone, you have to be a good listener. When you are talking to someone, they are far more interested in themselves than in others.When someone shares something they love or enjoy they will feel good when they talk and associate those feelings with you. It is a winning formula for making friends as well as influencing people. When you talk to someone you should ask alot of questions about them. In no time you will see the positive results in your life. I will apply this new way to my life by engaging in conversations with new people and asking lots of questions. For me it is very fulfilling to hear about peoples lives, because not everyone has the same aspirations, goals, or dreams. I will from now on encourage other people to talk about themselves, and not be so self indulged in the conversation all the time

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Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest
    Talking in terms of the other persons interest is not that hard.It just takes the willingness and patience to be a good listener and the smarts to ask a few good questions. The willingness and patience are the hardest things for most people for a few reasons. This could be because we want to be known or because we aren't good listeners.If you can be a good listener and talk in terms of the other person’s interests it can end up being fun because you get to know more about another person and you might learn about something new. This week I will  be focused on being a good listener and engage people on their terms based on their interests. 

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Rule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely
     Being sincere helps someone believe that you are a genuine person. By being sincere you are making the other person feel more comfortable. This will lead to a more interesting conversation. This is a great trait because if you make them feel comfortable, then they are more likely to open up. When you can make people open up it makes them know you actually care. For example, someone can just fake it and not be genuine when talking to you. They will most likely be using sarcasm because they don't know how to make you feel comfortable. Someone that will usually always be genuine and make you feel comfortable will be your mother. She is usually always there for when you need her. I go to her when I need something.

Reflection :
      The six rules of making people like you is very important. It really helped me think about the things that people might actually like. 

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